• A7, Rebello Enclave CHS, Subhash Nagar, MIDC road No. 23, Andheri (East), Mumbai - 400 093. MH-India


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CGNAT (Carrier Grade NAT) is a method used by internet providers, like Belong, of sharing a single unique public IP address with multiple users. This allows them to access the internet without interruption.

Advantages of CGNAT

IP was originally designed according to the end-to-end principle for networking. This means that application protocols may expect to communicate directly between hosts without intermediate systems modifying the packet headers or payload. As NAT modifies the IP addresses at the very least and sometimes alters other protocol headers and payloads, NAT can break the communications. CGNAT solves this and other problems associated with using traditional NAT at scale with the inclusion of the following capabilities:

  • Endpoint Independent Mapping (EIM), Endpoint Independent Filtering (EIF), and hairpinning provides transparent NAT connectivity. Traditional NAT implementations do not allow any traffic that is initiated from the outside (EIM, EIF) or for protocols that need to hairpin, i.e. loop their traffic back to the inside.
  • Application-level gateway (ALG) was developed to solve the problem of NAT servers breaking communications. Based on proxy server technology, ALGs intelligently modify necessary application protocol headers and payloads to conform to the protocol being routed by the NAT.

High Scale Requirements for Internet Service Providers

Carrier networks, large enterprises, higher education institutions and ISPs require far more sophisticated Carrier Grade NAT (CGNAT) capabilities than consumer and small business networks because they also have critical performance, reliability, and manageability requirements.

  • Performance – Carrier Grade NAT solutions must support millions of simultaneous network connections
  • Scale-out – Carrier solutions must be able to scale dynamically, adding additional throughput as needed without interrupting existing network traffic
  • High Availability – Carrier Grade NAT solutions require very high availability 24/7 with no service disruption for the user. This requires seamless failover in the event of any component failures with session preservation
  • Central Management – Large-scale NAT / Carrier Grade NAT solutions must be capable of integration with major central network management platforms and Develops infrastructures for centralized logging
  • Advanced Logging – All devices that connect to the Internet produce a multitude of sessions so tracking all sessions produces a vast amount of log messages. Carrier Grade NAT solutions must provide advanced techniques to reduce the volume of logs, such as port batching, zero-logging, and compact logging as well as filtering to provide relevant, actionable insights
  • Security – Absolutely crucial to CGNAT deployments is the requirement for specific in-depth security and defences against assaults such as Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks targeted at CGNAT pools.

Dandy vBNG / vBRAS is High-performance scalable software to deploy in bare metal machine.


  • 80000 simultaneous users.
  • Supports PPPoE and IPoE.
  • Radius authentication and accounting.
  • Local user authentication.
  • Bare Metal Deployment on Intel Xeon base server.
  • ISO base installation.
  • 1 to 100G Intel and Broadcom ethernet supports.
  • Netflow v9 Logs to multiple Log servers.
  • CLI interface to configure and overview.
  • NAT, SNAT and DNAT Support.
  • Carrier Grade Network Address Translation (CGNat).
  • Multiple Queue - Separate rate-limit for IX Pools.
  • Web GUI for monitoring users/interfaces and server status.
  • Interface/Vlan base login in Web Gui to monitor selected Interfaces.
  • IPv6 (Dual Stack).